The Cedar Valley speech team is in our tenth season of competition. Our team has been steadily growing and we continue to branch into new categories. We are up to 15 All State appearances. Here is the list for this year (2020/21):
Choral Reading-Listen to the People!
Group Mime- An American Hero: How Kate Shelly Braved the Storm, Crossed the Des Moines River, and Saved the Chicago Express
Storytelling- The Wolf's Chicken Stew- Ryan Foote
Interpretation of Poetry- A Sort of Sobering Survey of Silly Songs with Larry- Ryan Foote
Literary Program- Keep Going- Jessie Pospisil
We also have a junior high team which competes at the conference level. This team is great preparation for IHSSA sponsored events.
Large Group Speech (grades 7/8th and 9th-12th)
Individual Events Speech (grades 7/8th and 9th-12th)
Improv Club (grades 7/8th and 9th-12th)