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Thank you for your interest in Cedar Valley Christian School! We are so excited for the things that God is doing in and through our school, and we would love for you to be a part of it all. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at,
give me a call at 319-366-7462, or schedule an appointment.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Jeff Pospisil, Principal

"I attended Cedar Valley from Pre-K through high school graduation. I'm grateful to say that my children are now second-generation Huskies! We waited until partway through high school to move our teens from public school to Cedar Valley. They were immediately surrounded by higher standards and better influences! ALL of the teachers, staff, and coaches invest in the spiritual health of my children. The care they offer is much deeper and more genuine than just book-smarts. Having my children at Cedar Valley feels like coming home again. My best advice is not to wait. If you’re debating when is the right time to move from public to private, the answer is “as soon as possible.” We feel this is one of the very best investments we can make for our children’s futures!" - 2021/22 CV family


Application Process:


Call today (319.366.7462) to schedule an Education Consultation where you can meet with our admissions team. We'd love to tell you more about Cedar Valley and have a chance to learn about you and your family!

Tuition information and application forms can be provided during your consultation. 

Already Visited and Ready to Apply?


Preschool parents, fill out the Early Education (ages 3-5) Application Form (Your $100 nonrefundable deposit can be made here.)

K - 12th grade Application Form (PDF) (After your application is received, a link will be emailed to you where you can pay your $100 nonrefundable deposit.)

If you prefer, you can download the Microsoft Word (DOCX) version of the application form and fill it out on your computer.  Email the completed form to

Admissions Proceedures


If you desire to apply, the appropriate application must be completed for each new student. Applications for the following year will be held until reenrollment for current families occurs in January. 

Between application and an acceptance decision, families may be asked for references, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and may be asked to come in for an evaluation or interview. A shadow day may also be scheduled. 

Parents will be notified of their child's acceptance. Acceptance is based on available classroom space consideration of the school's suitability to the child's needs as an individual. 

Students who are not accepted due to space will be asked if they would like to remain in our wait pool at the discretion of the admissions committee based on criteria such as siblings in the school, commitment to enrollment through high school, best situation for the student and school. 

Upon acceptance, the family will sign a binding contract to complete enrollment or be responsible for a percentage of tuition. 

Attendance at Cedar Valley Christian School should be considered a privilege. If a family or student fails to meet the standards of the school or the conditions under which the student was admitted, the privilege of attending CVCS may be revoked. 

Did You Know?


CVCS has a service requirement for graduation. A minimum of hours invested in and out of school prepares students for a lifetime of serving. 

"As I look back at all that I experienced during my time [at CVCS], a few things stick out that continue to go with me today.

One would be the love and care I received from my teachers. They cared about much more than good grades or helping me pass a test. They had deeper and more eternal aspirations for me."

-Joel, CV alumni