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Tyler Snodgrass (2020)

  • When you reflect back on your experience at CVCS, what are 2-3 experiences or moments that stand out? How have those experiences shaped you in any way? 

"One of the first things that stood out to me was the fellowship. I recall an experience after one of the first drama productions I participated in. There was a tradition of going out to eat after performances and relax as a cast of people. It was very encouraging to have this fellowship and inclusion for someone new coming to the school.

Another experience I recall was the deeper discussions we had in various Bible study classes. The open willingness of the teachers to converse about deeper or more controversial topics from a biblical perspective was immensely encouraging!"

  • What were some ways that CV prepared you for life after high school or ignited a passion to pursue Jesus?

    "My identity had been solidified throughout Cedar Valley. During my time as a student, I learned what it meant to be a Christian beyond just knowledge. Christ became the center of my life and the truth in all that I do. With such truth and identity, how can I not be passionate? This led me to want to join a campus ministry as soon as I got to college. Having joined the Navigators, this identity continues to be shaped and honed towards serving and glorifying God! I continue to learn what it means to take steps of obedience of faith, and be wholly, completely fulfilled by my loving Creator."

  • What were your friendships like at CV? Are there any that continue on today? Are there any ways that those friendships have changed your life?

My relationships and friendships have always been fairly diverse. They have taken on a mix of those older than me who can speak into my life, those younger than me whom I can speak into their lives, and cohorts my own age to walk alongside me. In Cedar Valley, I found many classmates who I built friendships with and struggled alongside. More notably than this was the appreciation I have for some of the older graduates above me. The maturity- both academically and spiritually- always encouraged me, and some of the men I still frequently interact with today.

  • Think about what makes you uniquely you or life-shaping moments that challenged you in some way. Are there ways that your responses were impacted or shaped at all because of your time at CVCS?

"Certainly the rigors of college have been substantially reduced due to the excellent tutelage of those caring mentors at Cedar Valley. My ability to speak into the lives of others shines brighter and more passionately because of my experiences at Cedar Valley. Academically speaking, the stress of class is nearly invisible because of the rigorous preparation we had. This brings so much free time, and much more peace, academically speaking, so that I may focus on speaking into the lives of others. Even finals week was something which- although stressful at minor points- was never overwhelming. I can better serve others and God as a result."

  • What makes you feel most excited and energized?

"That which reminds me of God. As mentioned, beauty is something that greatly inspires me. This is largely because of how God has worked in my life. The story of the Bible and the Gospel is a beauty to behold, and a gift to all Christians. Hearing the stories of others, sharing my own story with men I can walk alongside, and discipling energize me beyond description. I am very emotionally driven, and empathize well with others. Being able to walk alongside them and speak deeply into each other’s lives is an absolute delight! There is also much to be said about sharing beauty with others. It is not simply something I exclusively keep to myself. To sing, perform, tell stories, hike mountains, and witness the rising of the sun sparks the fires in my soul which point me back to God. To share in that with others is an amazing experience!"

  • What moments that stood out from his time at CV in how they shaped him in some way (maybe how school there shaped his worldview, an incident or class or teacher that impacted how he views others or the Lord?)

"It is hard to visualize a singular moment which shaped me. The process of growing in my walk as a Christian cannot be summarized to instantaneous moments. However, I can say that Cedar Valley formed and shaped me over the years I attended there. The ability of the teachers to show their caring for the students is a blessing many take for granted in the moment. The encouragement, the guidance, and the mentorship they showed us students is encouraging in many ways. It prepared me and oriented me towards pursuing God in college."

  • Who are individuals from CV who forever shaped who you are? What are some encounters with them or things that they said that stand out? In what ways have they impacted you?

    "Robin Crow has been a large influence in my life. The vibrant passion she has for God intertwined with the arts is inspiring as I pursue a career in music. The emphasis on serving others while also pursuing excellence in the arts is something that I look up to, and continue to cultivate in college. Beauty itself is something which glorifies and points towards God, and as I use the gifts He has given me, I’m often reminded of the experiences in speech, drama, and music all throughout high school.

  • Now that you're a college student, what perspective has that given you in regard to your time at CVCS?

"I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate the knowledge which Cedar Valley’s staff imparted to us students. College has been infinitely easier due to their efforts. Most notably, the ability of our teachers to push us in Cedar Valley, infused a sense of discipline and direction academically that makes college level pursuits much easier. I find myself often in awe of how much preparation they gave us going into college! Those lessons have been a true blessing in pursuing my major and the ministry in college."